Monday, August 1, 2011

Character Monday: Who is Amber Coles?

SH: Ray Ellis, the author of N.H.I.: No Humans Involved, joins us for his second tour here on Character Monday. Ray is also the author of the soon-to-be-released novel D.R.T.: Dead Right There, the second book in the Nate Richards series, which is also based on Ray's adventures as a police detective. He's also the co-pastor of a local church here in the Treasure Valley, and is a husband and father of three. So, what brings you back to Character Monday, Ray?

RE: Let me say first, I am so happy to be a part of the StoneHouse stable of writers. Just this week I had the privilege of having my first ever English Tea Party with another of the StoneHouse writers, Donna Fletcher Crow. It was simply amazing.  It’s one of those things that I think everyone should experience at least once. But to answer your original question: Amber Coles. Amber is Nate’s love interest in my series and I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce her to the StoneHouse audience.

SH: Amber Coles; cool. What makes Amber so special?

RE: Well Amber is a compilation of many of the girls I’ve known by that same name. The first was a precocious sort, and the last girl--and template on which Amber Coles’ physical appearance is based--is a dear Christian girl with a strange sense of humor.

SH: Interesting…do any of these Ambers know that you used their persona to create your character?

RE: That’s funny, but the answer is yes and no. I’ve told them that parts of the character have been based on segments of who they are. What's really funny for me is seeing which parts of the character each of these ladies identify with.

SH: So how does Amber Coles fit into the world of Nate Richards?

RE: As well as being Nate’s love interest, Amber starts off as the character who holds the moral line. She is very sure of her faith in God and her place in the Body of Christ. I use her as the counterbalance to Nate. In contrast, where Nate is unsure and still questioning his faith, in the beginning of the story Amber is solid. But as the story progresses and she's pulled into the trouble of Nate’s world, her own faith is shaken.

SH: So, in the end of NHI, the reader is left watching Amber and Nate--

RE: Hey! Let’s not give away the ending.

SH: All right, but can you at least answer one question? Is there a wedding in the future for those two?

RE: I don’t know how much to give away here, but let’s just say there is very definitely a happy ending in their future.

SH: Okay, I won’t push you for too much more, but before I let you go, will Amber also make a showing in DRT?

RE: Absolutely!  It just seems to me that there’s not much of a Nate Richards without an Amber Coles.

SH: We're about up to our limit for this segment of Character Monday, but thanks, Ray, for stopping by and introducing us to Amber Coles. Got any upcoming events or news anytime soon?

RE: Well I have been in dialogue with Aaron about getting NHI released in paperback form...a lot of my fans have been asking about that, so that remains a possibility. And of course the upcoming release of book two, D.R.T.: Dead Right There.

SH: Cool; we're looking forward to it. Check out NHI on Amazon, and if you've read it/are a fan, don't hesitate to leave a review for Ray on the book's Web page. That always spreads the love. Until next week, Dear Reader, and don't miss the final installment on How to Be a Good Writer on Wednesday, right here.

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